Biosenta Inc. announced a pivotal discovery led by Dr. Mehdi Mohammadi Ashani, a Postdoctoral Researcher under the mentorship of Dr. Ian Lewis and Dr. Maen Husein at the University of Calgary. Utilizing the advanced capabilities of the Alberta Centre for Advanced Diagnostics (ACAD), this research has revealed that Tri-Filler?, product, effectively sterilizes a wide range of microorganisms including: E. coli and P. aeruginosa (Gram-negative bacteria); S. aureus and E. faecalis (Gram-positive bacteria) and C. auris and C. albicans (fungi). The discovery is a culmination of the synergistic efforts between Dr. Ian Lewis' lab, which focuses on metabolic analysis of human pathogens, especially Multidrug-resistant bacteria, and Dr. Maen Husein's lab, which has been developing environmentally friendly, non-toxic agents against drug-resistant fungus.

This research aligns with both labs' key objectives, including developing rapid diagnostic tools and pioneering new antimicrobial strategies. Tri-Filler? has exhibited immense promise in these lab tests.

It not only inhibits the growth of diverse pathogens but eradicates them and also has applications in enhancing the material properties of plastics, paints, coatings, and textiles. In addition, Tri-Filler is an effective carbon sink as it uses CO2 in the process of creating the particle. Biosenta remains steadfast in its mission to revolutionize the material world and confront significant global health and environmental challenges.