Biotricity Inc. announced the expanding development of its future Cardiac AI Cloud platform. The new platform is focused on predictive monitoring to help assist physicians and users to identify issues before they occur, supporting earlier interventions, reducing readmissions, and lowering healthcare costs. Biotricity's product portfolio is already one of the most comprehensive remote cardiac monitoring portfolios globally.

This expansion will further enhance its existing products while providing additional advantages such as: Predictive capabilities; Faster analytical results; Improved scalability; Improved operational efficiency; Support for other commercial models; Automated analysis to support physicians. Biotricity's goal is to develop one the most comprehensive Cardiac AI Cloud platforms. The company has been analyzing and establishing large datasets of heartbeats for the past couple of years to build predictive cardiac AI models for improved diagnoses and faster interventions. The resulting models will help develop more accurate analyses and improved operational efficiency, supporting physicians better and diagnosing more patients with the same resources.

AI and predictive models are difficult to build due to the large datasets needed to support accuracy. Biotricity has been focused on developing large datasets for years. The company's decision to build a 3-channel diagnostic platform as opposed to a 1 or 2 channel platform was a direct result of this focus.

Accuracy is difficult to achieve as cardiac issues are notoriously problematic to identify due to their intermittent nature, thus needing long term continuous data for diagnosing. Long term data collection requires an ambulatory setting with users going about their lives. Ambulatory monitoring is synonymous with noisy data due to mobility, making diagnosis difficult, let alone prediction.

Scalability and accessibility in a market where there is a shortage of healthcare professionals requires smart technologies to help support healthcare professionals to service more patients while improving the quality of care.