InnerScope Hearing Technologies Inc. announced the signing of a Joint Venture Marketing Agreement with American Seniors Association Holding Group Inc. (AMSA). The JV Agreement gives AMSA's members access to InnerScope's DTC High-Quality Patented FDA-Registered Hearing Aids. Additionally, the JV Agreement includes both InnerScope and AMSA to actively engage in joint marketing efforts to AMSA members for increasing the awareness of the multiple health risks of untreated hearing loss and the exclusive InnerScope Hearing Aid Benefit now available to its members.

With AMSA instituting an exclusive InnerScope Hearing Benefit for its members allows InnerScope the ability to directly tap into its exact targeted customer with AMSA's senior demographic audience. According to the Hearing Loss Association of America approximately 20% of the U.S. population or 48 million Americans have hearing loss, which is the 3rd most prevalent health condition in older adults. Given, that hearing loss increases with age, statistics reported from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders ("NIDCD") is about 36% of the senior population age (50+) has a speech-frequency hearing loss in both ears.

Fortunately, InnerScope is in prime position with its three-year JV Agreement to capitalize on the NIDCD hearing loss statistics with AMSA's 1.2 million senior membership contact database. Given no increase in the membership base over the three-year term of the JV Agreement these people could potentially purchase InnerScope Hearing Aids at a average price estimated at $1,200 dollars per transaction, (average price of $1,200 x 432,000 people that may have a hearing loss according to NIDCD statistics) the JV Agreement for InnerScope could potentially be worth $500+ Million Dollars.