Cape EMS Berhad announced Mr. Wu, Jung-Wai, age 61, is appointed as Chief Technology Officer of the Company with effect from 2 May 2023. Qualifications: Masters Mechanical Engineering Marquette University, Wisconsin, USA, Computer Applications Institute of Electrical Engineering, Taiwan and Mechanical Engineering Tamkang University, Taiwan. Mr. Wu, Jung-Wai has more than 30 years diverse experience in Information Technology (IT) and Electronics Manufacturing services related industries.

Mr. Wu is a co-founder of 2 companies, one is a design house that focuses on integrating semiconductors into the acoustic and motor industries. He is a key inventor of intellectual property. The other company is focuses on innovative solid-state semiconductor light source for projectors, that extends life span 5 times.

He is also a professor for electro-mechanical engineering-related courses at Tamkang University, Taiwan, as well as the visiting professor at the Institute of Technology in Fu-Jen University, Taiwan. He has been involved in the research and development of electronic and electrical products. He was the Executive Director in Atron Pte Ltd, Singapore from years 2014 to 2016, a company focuses on high mix and low volume products which are well fitting to medical & printing system industry.

In year 2007, he was also the co-founder and General Manager of Appotronics Corporation, Shenzhen in China, a laser display technology company. Prior to year 2007, Mr. Wu undertaken different roles and positions as follows: 2004-2007, COO (Chief Operation Officer) /Global Lighting Technologies (USA/China/Taiwan). 2001-2004, Senior Director/VP /JDS Uniphase (USA, Canada, Europe, China, Taiwan).

1989-2001, General Manager, CEC (China Electronics Corporation) (Taiwan, Hong Kong). 1988 Engineer, R&D/Control Data Corporation (Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA). Mr. Wu is also a permanent member of Chinese Engineer Association (Taiwan).