Capsol Technologies has been awarded a feasibility study for the CapsolEoP® (end-of-pipe) carbon capture technology at SCHWENK?s Building Material Group?s Broceni cement plant in Latvia. The study is for a plant aiming to capture 750 000 tonnes of CO2 per annum. SCHWENK Latvija is part of the CCS Baltic Consortium which was included in the provisional 6th list of Projects of Common Interest by the European Commission in November 2023, aiming to transport captured CO2 from Lithuania and Latvia to permanent storage sites, potentially in the North Sea. Cement is one of Capsol Technologies? target segments. IEA (International Energy Agency) has estimated that the cement industry will account for more than 300 million tonnes of captured CO2 in 2030. This equals 30% of the total carbon capture market.

Capsol?s current project pipeline includes 10 large-scale cement projects which are in the sales engineering and engineering studies phase. The total potential carbon capture capacity of these projects is 11 million tonnes of CO2 annually.