Careteq Limited announced that it has signed 3 agreements that could significantly increase revenue and accelerate, the expansion of its North American operations following initial sales to that market in first half of 2022. The company has secured a 3-year exclusive agreement with Raytelligence AB to market and distribute the company's autonomous falls detection and vital signs monitoring system called Eazense, for the United States and Canada. This expands the existing exclusive agreement Careteq has for the Australia and New Zealand market for healthcare applications as part of Careteq's suite of Assistive Living Technology Solutions.

Recently certified by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the cutting-edge non-intrusive sensor uses radar technology and artificial intelligence (AI) to detect where a person is in a room and if they have fallen and require help. Further, Eazense also identifies unusual behavioural patterns and connects to Careteq's SOFIHUB cloud-based platform for remote monitoring by healthcare professionals or family members. SOFIHUB gives users access to an ecosystem of devices to improve the standard of care in-home and at aged care/medical facilities.

There are approximately 36 million falls reported among older adults in the US each year resulting in 32,000 deaths 1. The disabled and elderly Assistive Technology market in the US is estimated to be worth more than $6 billion a year.