Central Global Berhad announced resignation of Mr. Yap Yik Yong as Group Financial Controller. Age is 39, Male. Nationality is Malaysia. Date of change is October 16, 2023. Reason is to pursue other interests. Professional Qualification in Accountancy from Malaysian Institute of Accountants as Member. Professional Qualification in Professional Certificate from Certificate Practicing Accountant Australia
as Member. Masters in Master of Business Administration from University of Southern Queensland as Graduate. Degree in Bachelor Degree in Accountancy from Charles Sturt University as graduate. Working experience and occupation is Mr. Yap Yik Yong has more than 18 years of experience in the management of group of companies with diverse businesses experiences in Malaysia and oversea countries. His specialty areas include Group reporting, treasury management and budgeting, cost rationalisation, corporate finance, tax planning, risk management, investment evaluation, business strategies, merger and acquisition, Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) system implementation and operation management. His experience covers various industries such as real estate, construction, property development, manufacturing and oil and gas services. Prior to joining Central Global Berhad, he had worked with a public listed company, big four (4) accounting firm and several privately owned companies.