China Cinda Asset Management Co., Ltd. announced on July 20, 2023, at the sixth meeting of the board of directors of the company in 2023, a resolution on the nomination of a candidate for director of the Company was approved, Ms. ZHANG Qiuping was nominated as a non-executive director of the Company. The qualification of Ms. ZHANG is in compliance with the relevant laws and regulations and the requirements of the Articles of Association of the Company. Ms. ZHANG shall begin to assume office upon approval at the general meeting of the Company and approval of her qualification by the National Administration of Financial Regulation for a term of three years.

Ms. ZHANG Qiuping, born in 1964. From July 1986 to September 1990, she worked at the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine. From September 1990 to July 2001, she successively served as several positions of the Ministry of Finance, such as an officer, deputy chief officer and chief officer of the Statistics and Research Division of the Comprehensive Planning Department, chief officer of the Statistics and Research Division of the Comprehensive and Reform Department, chief officer of the Extra-budgetary Fund Management Division of the Comprehensive Department, and chief officer and assistant researcher of the Central Revenue Division of the Budget Department.

Since July 2001, she has successively held various positions with the National Council for Social Security Fund of the People's Republic of China, including a cadre and the deputy director of the General Division of the Financial and Accounting Department, the director of the General Division and the director of the Finance Division of the Fund Finance Department, and the deputy director of the Fund Finance Department. Ms. ZHANG obtained a bachelor's degree in economics from Jiangxi Finance and Economic College (currently known as Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics) in 1986 and a master's degree in public administration from a joint program organized by Peking University and the National Academy of Governance in 2011. Ms. ZHANG holds the professional title of Senior Economist.

As mentioned above, the term of office of Ms. ZHANG shall commence from the date of approval at the general meeting of the Company and the approval of her qualification as a director by the National Administration of Financial Regulation until the expiry of the three-year term and is eligible for re-election upon expiry of the term. Ms. ZHANG will enter into a service contract with the Company after her qualification is approved by the National Administration of Financial Regulation. Ms. ZHANG will not receive any director's fee or remuneration from the Company.