China Singyes New Materials Holdings Limited announced that Mr. Liu Hongwei resigned as a non-executive Director due to his other business commitments with effect from 11 April 2022. Mr. Liu Hongwei has confirmed that he has no disagreement with the Board and there are no other matters in respect of his resignation that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. The Board announces that Mr. Zhou Qing has been appointed as a non- executive Director with effect from 11 April 2022.

Mr. Zhou Qing, aged 46, is the vice president of China Shuifa Singyes Energy Holdings Limited, a controlling shareholder of the Company and the shares of which are listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange. Mr. Zhou joined Shuifa Singyes in May 2009 as the deputy manager of the marketing department and deputy director of operation centre. He served as deputy general manager of Zhuhai Huatian Electricity and Gas Technology Co.

Ltd. from 2005 to 2009 and manager of the operation centre of AsiaNet Co. Ltd. from 2003 to 2005. From 1998 to 2003, he worked as a technical engineer in the technical department of Zhuhai Hansheng Industrial Co.

Ltd. Mr. Zhou has more than 20 years of experience in power engineering and electrical engineering, large-scale photovoltaic and wind power project operations. Mr. Zhou graduated from Nanchang University majoring in electricity system and its automation in 1998. He was awarded the qualification of senior engineer in 2017.

Mr. Zhou has entered into a letter of appointment with the Company for a term of three years commencing on 11 April 2022 and which may be terminated by either the Company or Mr. Zhou by giving not less than one month's notice or otherwise in accordance with the terms of the letter of appointment. Mr. Zhou's term of appointment is subject to retirement by rotation and re-election at general meeting in accordance with the bye-laws of the Company and the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on GEM of the Stock Exchange. Pursuant to the letter of appointment, Mr. Zhou will not be entitled to Director's remuneration since he is also employed by Shuifa Singyes.