Chinney Kin Wing Holdings Limited announced that Mr. Hon-Man Wai ("Mr. Wai") and Mr. Hoi-Fan Lam ("Mr. Lam") have been appointed as executive directors of the Company with effect from 3 June 2023. Mr. Hon-Man Wai
Aged 49, is currently the deputy general manager and a director of Kin Wing Engineering Company Limited and Kin Wing Foundations Limited. He is also a director of DrilTech Ground Engineering Limited ("DrilTech Ground"), DrilTech Geotechnical Engineering Limited ("DrilTech Geotechnical") and Everest Engineering Company Limited, all being major subsidiaries of the Company. He is primarily responsible for site, production and plant management and implementation of foundation construction and ancillary services projects of the Group. Mr. Wai has over twenty-six years of experience in supervising and managing various foundation piling projects. He obtained a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Engineering from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 1996. After graduation, he joined the Group as an assistant engineer in September 1996. At the date hereof, Mr. Wai does not have any interests in the shares of the Company within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of Laws of Hong Kong) (the "SFO"). Save as disclosed above, Mr. Wai does not hold any other positions in the Company or any members of the Group, did not hold any directorships in any listed public companies in the past three years. He does not have any relationship with any directors, senior management or substantial or controlling shareholders of the Company. Aged 49, is currently the general manager and a director of DrilTech Ground and DrilTech Geotechnical (the "DrilTech Group"). He is the head of safety department and the DrilTech Group. He is responsible for the overall management and operations of drilling and site investigation business. Mr. Lam has over twenty-nine years of experience in performing and supervising various site investigation works. He joined DrilTech Ground in February 1997 as a senior technician. He obtained a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from Chu Hai College of Higher Education in 2009. At the date hereof, Mr. Lam does not have any interests in the shares of the Company within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO. Save as disclosed above, Mr. Lam does not hold any other positions in the Company or any members of the Group, did not hold any directorships in any listed public companies in the past three years. He does not have any relationship with any directors, senior management or substantial or controlling shareholders of the Company.