Chordate Medical Holding AB (publ.) announced that the primary results from the migraine study PM007 - Kinetic Oscillation Stimulation for the treatment of chronic migraine - a subgroup analysis of a randomised controlled clinical trial - have now been published in the form of an abstract on the American Headache Society's (AHS) website. The results confirm the abstract with subgroup results from the German part of PM007 presented at the Migraine Trust International Symposium 2022 London in September last year. The final results do not differ significantly from the results already reported from the subgroup analysis.

The fact that AHS invites the researchers in the study to present the study results in a lecture format confirms the importance of the study results, which show that K.O.S has a significant clear effect for the preventive treatment of chronic migraine. The abstract reports the analysis of a selection of primary endpoints from all 132 patients in the study, where the 67 patients who received active K.O.S treatment showed a significant reduction in the number of monthly headache days (MHD) with moderate to severe intensity from baseline, compared to the 65 patients who received the sham treatment. The difference demonstrated by the least squares means (LSQ) in ANCOVA analysis between the 4-week baseline period and treatment week 3-6 was -2.23 MHD (CI95% =[-3.95; -0.51, p=0.0132).

The results from the 4-week follow-up period - after completing six weeks of stimulation - showed a reduction of LSQ by -2.68 MHD (CI95%=[-4.32; -1.04, p=0.0014), thereby showing a sustained improvement during this observation period. The treatment was well-tolerated with no severe adverse events.