Com2uS, master service provider of C2X announced the launch of its new chain, XPLA mainnet for C2X users. Based on community needs and fulfillment the former governance token of C2X will be upgraded to XPLA, the governance token of the XPLA mainnet. The development is led by Delight and ZenaAD and is Tendermint-based using the COSMOS SDK with extensive optimization work through rounds of testing.

The Genesis validators are composed of nine validators with more coming in the future. The establishment of XPLA is based on the encouragement for users to "Explore and Play." XPLA will continue to carry the value C2X holds, bridging Web2 to Web3 services. C2X is also making changes to its platform, publishing not only games but arts, music and a variety of Dapps based on community-driven decisions, ultimately benefiting all users.