COMSovereign Holding Corp. and Vercom Inc. continued their successful five-year relationship providing high-performance connectivity solutions for networks including emergency network restoration support of a major wireless operator utilizing COMSovereign's Fastback Intelligent Backhaul Radios ("IBRs"). Fastback radios continue to be a performance leader in last mile connectivity operating in the unlicensed frequency spectrum.

Made in the United States and powered by unique artificial intelligence ("AI") and Extreme Interference Protection ("XIP™") technologies, Fastback radios deliver reliable performance even in highly congested wireless environments. That is why several Tier 1 carriers continue to rely on the Fastback radio to provide connectivity for new cell sites upon construction completion or in response to outages. Vercom has been a partner of COMSovereign for more than five years, having installed more than 200 Fastback IBR links in public and private wireless networks where reliability and high-performance connectivity is required.

In a recent deployment, Vercom was contracted by a tier-one network operator to provide emergency service restoration following a disruption which delivered critical connectivity to the surrounding city and a nearby public university campus. Vercom was able to quickly restore wireless service by utilizing a Fastback IBR-1300 unlicensed radio link within 4 hours of arrival on site. The Fastback operational link showed over 60GBs of capacity were being passed per hour, ultimately delivering over 1.5Tbs of data traffic in the first 24 hours.