Klarna Bank AB (publ) signed an agreement to acquire PriceRunner International AB from Creades AB (OM:CRED A) for SEK 1.1 billion on November 2, 2021. During the 12-month period ending on Sep 30, 2021, PriceRunner had revenues amounting to SEK 460 million and an adjusted EBITDA margin of 52%. The acquisition is subject to approval by regulatory board/committee and antitrust approval. As of March 18, 2022 Swedish Financial Supervisory Board and UK Competition Authority has approved the deal. The deal is expected to close in the first quarter of 2022. The deal is expected to be completed before the end of March 2022. All 200+ PriceRunner employees in Sweden, Denmark and Norway are now officially part of Klarna. Klarna will assume complete ownership from previous main owners Karl-Johan Persson, chairman of the board at H&M, Eequity, former PriceRunner CEO Nicklas Storåkers and current CEO Mikael Lindahl.

Klarna Bank AB (publ) completed the acquisition of PriceRunner International AB from Creades AB (OM:CRED A) on April 4, 2022. ABG Sundal Collier AB acted as financial advisor to shareholders of PriceRunner International AB in the transaction.