Crown Seal Public Company Limited informed that Mr. Pong Sarasin, the Chairman, and Mr. Masutaka Hosono, a director, resigned from their positions since June 24, 2015. The Board of Directors holding the meeting on June 24, 2015 unanimously resolved as the followings: Mr. Hirofumi Miki has been appointed as the Chairman of the Board of Directors; Mr. Dhep Vongvanich has been appointed as a Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors; Mr. Pornwut Sarasin has been appointed as a director in replacement of Mr. Pong Sarasin and stays on the position for the remaining period of Mr.Pong Sarasin; Mr. Kazuya Harukawa has been appointed as a director in replacement of Mr. Masutaka Hosono and stays on the position for the remaining period of Mr. Masutaka Hosono. This appointment is effective since June 24, 2015 onwards.