The board of directors of CSC Financial Co., Ltd. informed the shareholders and potential investors of the company that, based on the information currently available and the preliminary review by the Board of the unaudited consolidated management accounts of the Group for the six months ended 30 June 2017, it was estimated that the net profit attributable to the shareholders of the Company for the six months ended 30 June 2017 would be approximately RMB 1,850 million compared with RMB 2,777 million for the corresponding period in 2016. In the first half of 2017, net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company recorded a year-on-year decrease, primarily due to the significant year-on-year decrease of the Company's fee and commission income, among which: as a result of the decrease in trading volume in the A share market and the decrease in the securities brokerage commission rate of the Company in line with the declining rate across the industry, the fee and commission income of the Company from the securities brokerage business recorded a significant year-on-year decrease; and due to the impact of regulatory and macro economic, the rate of return in the bond market presented an upward trend amidst fluctuations; the issuance size of corporate bonds and enterprise bonds in the entire market recorded a significant year-on-year decrease, and the income of the Company from the corporate bond underwriting business recorded a significant year-on-year decrease.