PRESS RELEASE EEMS GROUP: Solsonica S.p.A. signs a conditional agreement with workers' representatives for the continuation of the cassa integrazione guadagni ordinaria lay-off scheme involving up to 215 employees for 13 weeks.

EEMS Italia S.p.A. announces that its subsidiary Solsonica S.p.A. - the largest manufacturer in Italy of photovoltaic cells, modules and solutions - last night signed a conditional agreement with the trade unions at the Unindustria offices in Rieti for the continuation of the cassa integrazione guadagni ordinaria lay-off scheme involving up to 215 employees for 13 weeks from 19
November 2012 to 16 February 2013 with a reduction or suspension of working hours.
This measure has become necessary so that the Group may reshape production capacity as the result of the slow restart of the Italian photovoltaic market following the introduction of the Fifth Energy Account.

The EEMS Group is one of the world's leading operators in assembling, testing and finishing semiconductor memories and - through its subsidiary Solsonica S.p.A - is the leading Italian manufacturer of photovoltaic cells, modules and solutions. The Group has its headquarters at Cittaducale (Rieti) in Italy and has a significant operational presence in China.

Cittaducale (Rieti), 16 November 2012

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