KARLSRUHE (dpa-AFX) - With regard to bureaucratic hurdles in the Energiewende, the head of the energy company EnBW sees clear progress. However, there is still a need for action, Andreas Schell explained to the German Press Agency. For example, the restriction on eligible areas for solar projects should be abolished. He is also concerned that there are currently no political decisions at federal level.

"We agree with the state government that there is a need for action, especially in southern Germany," explained the CEO. "We urgently need the federal government's power plant strategy. Without it, it will be much more difficult to manage the fuel switch from coal to gas and later hydrogen in time."

Overall, however, Schell was optimistic: "2024 promises to be a good year for the energy transition in Baden-Württemberg." The expansion of renewables will continue to gain momentum. "We feel that the expansion of renewables has been made a priority in many places," said Schell. "Awareness of the opportunities presented by the energy transition and the need to expand renewable energies and transform the grids has noticeably improved right down to the lowest authorities." The state government had set up a task force to accelerate the expansion of renewables.

44 approval authorities in the state were able to harmonize processes

In Schell's view, this has set an important course. The state is well on the way to fully digitizing approval procedures, he attested. However, there is still a considerable need for optimization in the standardization of processes at the 44 approval authorities in the state. It is also important that legally compliant plans are drawn up for areas with potential within a reasonable period of time.

Baden-Württemberg wants to reduce its CO2 emissions by 65 percent by 2030 compared to 1990. The state wants to be climate-neutral by 2040

- five years ahead of the federal government. Compared to 2020, this would require

generated from wind energy would have to increase eightfold and that from solar energy sevenfold. As the largest energy company in the state, EnBW has a key role to play here.

According to Schell, the Group intends to consistently pursue its chosen path in the area of wind: "In 2024 and the following years, we will add around 150 megawatts of output from wind energy in Baden-Württemberg every year. That corresponds to around 30 wind turbines per year". He has also noticed an increasing openness to renewable energy projects at municipal level: "Municipalities are now approaching us again and offering us their municipal areas for wind energy projects. That hasn't been the case for a long time." The federal legal framework is having an effect.

"Less complexity, but more speed and clarity"

In addition, a whole series of solar parks will soon be opened, built or planned: "Our solar project pipeline for Baden-Württemberg is very well filled," explained Schell. "And the plants are also getting bigger." The construction of a photovoltaic (PV) park in Langenenslingen (Biberach district) is set to begin in February. "It will have an installed capacity of 80 megawatts." Where possible, battery storage systems will be included as standard to store the electricity generated on site. "Baden-Württemberg's solar offensive has helped to raise awareness of the benefits of PV in concrete terms."

The urban land-use planning for solar projects is well received by EnBW and is to be maintained. Nevertheless, there are also issues such as the alternative site assessment, which complicates and prolongs approval procedures, says Schell: "We need less complexity, but more speed and clarity." The inheritance tax regulations should be adapted to make it easier to use land for solar energy generation. The adoption of the federal government's solar package is also important.

With the solar package, the federal government wants to reduce bureaucratic hurdles. This should make it easier to operate balcony power plants, for example. The possibilities for solar power plants on fields are also to be expanded. However, there is still a need for consultation within the traffic light coalition. For this reason, the Bundestag split up amendments to the Renewable Energy Sources Act on the Friday before Christmas and initially only passed measures relating primarily to wind energy, such as night-time marking for wind turbines.

EnBW has been committed to the expansion of renewable energies for years and announced in March that it wanted to bring forward the phase-out of coal to 2028. Adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) amounted to 3.29 billion euros last year (up 11 percent). And the balance sheet for the current year is set to look even better: According to the latest forecast, the Group expects adjusted Ebitda of up to 6.5 billion euros with around 5.5 million customers./kre/DP/stk