On January 22, 2014, CommonWealth REIT issued a press release, including an open letter to Related Fund Management, LLC and Corvex Management LP stating that in a continued effort to settle the disputes between the Company and the Related/Corvex group as well as to end the distraction and costs associated with these disputes, the Company's board reiterates its invitation to Keith Meister to join the Company's board. The Company also said that joining the Company's board also allows Meister to have meaningful input into decisions regarding the Company's 2014 annual meeting of shareholders. Further, the Company said that the only condition to its offer is that Meister to enter a customary ‘stand-still' agreement to cease hostile activities against the Company and its board while he remains a Trustee of the Company.

Further, the Company urged Meister to reconsider the offer to join the board, put aside Related's desire to take control of the Company for its own benefit, and work constructively with the entire board for the benefit of all shareholders of the Company.