eve Sleep plc provided an update on its recent and pending product launches as part of its broader strategy to further evolve the business, and to become a favoured destination for all things better sleep for better mornings. As part of this strategy a collection of six eve branded CBD drops in Camomile and passionflower, and Ginkgo biloba and ginseng botanical extracts have gone live on the evesleep.co.uk website. eve is also currently in discussions with a number of leading store based retailers who are interested in stocking the eve CBD oil range. As previously stated, as these oils are sold under a licensing agreement with Sana Lifestyle, eve expects the return will be more from raised brand awareness and the advancement of eve's sleep wellness proposition, rather than revenues and profits. eve has also extended its range of sleep gifting and wellness products in recent weeks, including the non-alcoholic plant based three spirit nightcap drink, the gingko baton low glow night light, a range of eym candles and a selection of rescue remedy products designed to aid a restful night's sleep. In the coming weeks further new products will be launched including a child's version of the very popular Morphee sleep aid and a new long thin hot water bottle. In tandem with the step-up in new product development and introduction, packaging has also been upgraded including the use of fabric bags, for pillows and bedding etc, which are designed to have a second use to further eve's sustainability position.