FE Investments Group Ltd. announced the appointment of Mr. Marcus Ritchie as Group Chief Executive Officer effective immediately. Mr. Ritchie was appointed to the Board as an Executive Director on 31 July 2018. Mr. Ritchie has more than 18 years of commercial and financial experience having worked in corporate strategy at American Express in New York and M&A financing in London and Australia.

Most recently he was a director at ANZ Banking Group in Sydney and previously Vice President at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. Mr. TK Shim will step down as Group CEO. Mr. Shim will assist with the smooth transition of the incoming CEO and continue to assist the Company with the management of its property loan portfolio and other special projects.

Mr. Melvin Stewart - will step down as an Executive Director of FEIG. Mr. Stewart will continue to assist the Company with the management of its property loan portfolio.