Finsoft Financial Investment Holdings Limited announced that with effect from 7 July 2023, Ms. Liu Mung Ting ("Ms. Liu") has been appointed as an executive Director. The Board also announces that with effect from 7 July 2023, (i) Mr. Chan Wai Lung ("Mr. Chan") has resigned as the chief executive officer of the Company due to his appointment as the vice chairman of the Board; and (ii) Ms. Liu has been appointed as the Chief Executive Officer. Ms. Liu, aged 25, obtained a degree of Bachelor of Science (Economics) from the University College London in July 2019 and a degree of Master of Science in International Business from the Hult International Business School in August 2020.
Ms. Liu was a director of Wine Master Holdings Limited, a company principally engaged in wine procurement, sales, and inventory management functions from April 2020 to September 2022. She also worked as an analyst in relation to real estate private equity at M3 Capital Partners (HK) Limited, the Hong Kong office of M3 Capital Partners LLC, a global private equity capital advisory firm which advises real asset companies and fund managers on investment and private equity fund structures and strategic decisions, including restructuring, recapitalization and mergers and acquisitions, from September 2020 to July 2023, whereby she was involved in capital raising for multiple real estate private equity deals across China, Japan, Hong Kong and Vietnam totaling more than USD 3.5 billion equity raised while working with multiple clients and investors including large sovereign wealth funds, pension funds, etc. The Board also announced that with effect from 7 July 2023, Mr. Chan has been appointed as the Vice Chairman.
Mr. Chan, aged 42, was appointed as an executive Director and the Chief Executive Officer with effect from 8 June 2017 and 9 December 2021, respectively. Mr. Chan is currently a director of a number of indirect wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Company. Mr. Chan has years of experience in business planning and development.
Mr. Chan has been a director of Draco International Investment (Holdings) Limited (specialising in designing corporate structures) since July 2013, and a director of Draco Human Resources Management Limited since November 2016. Mr. Chan has been appointed as an independent non-executive director, the chairman of the remuneration committee and a member of each of the audit committee and the nomination committee of China Bozza Development Holdings Limited with effect from 19 May 2023. Mr. Chan was a non-executive director of Noble Engineering Group Holdings Limited from August 2018 to January 2020.
Mr. Chan was appointed as a business development consultant by the Management Committee of the Haining Economic Development Zone, Zhejiang Province, the People 's Republic of China in April 2017. In October 2017, he obtained his Honorary Doctorate in Business Administration from Sabi University. In November 2019, Mr. Chan completed a postdoctoral research project at California State University Monterey Bay.