F L E U R Y S . A . Public Company CNPJ/MF nº 60.840.055/0001-31 - NIRE nº 35.300.197.534 M A T E R I A L F A C T

Fleury S.A. ("Company"), pursuant to article 157 of Law No. 6.404/76, and CVM Instruction No. 358/02, hereby informs its shareholders and the financial market that receveid, on this date, a letter from Core Participações S.A. ("Core"), its indirect controlling shareholder, announcing that Core has received tenders for the purchase of its direct and indirect stake in the Company, which are being analyzed. The Company will immediately inform its shareholders and the market any new information received from Core on the subject that may constitute a material fact.
São Paulo, February 13th 2014
João Ricardo Kalil Patah Head of IR FLEURY S.A.

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Sào Paulo, 13 de fevereiro de 2014


Diretor de Relaçoes com Investidores de Fleury S.A.

Sr. Joào Ricardo Kalil Patah

C/c: Diretora Presidente de Fleury S.A

Sra. Vivien Bouzan Gomes Navarro Rosso

Prezados Senhores,

Core Participaçoes S.A. (''Core") vem, pela presente, comunicar que recebeu propostas para a aquisiçào de sua participaçào aciomiria direta e indireta no Fleury S.A. ("Companhia"), as quais estào sendo analisadas por Core.

Caso haja qualquer fato relevante relativo ao assunto, Core prontamente informani a Companhia,

nos termos da legislaçào e da regulamentaçào em vigor.

Marcos Bosi Ferraz

çoes S.A.

Adagmar Andriolo

CORE Participaçòes S.A.

CNPJ: 10.265.101/0001-48

Av. Fagundes Filho, 145 cj.40 A Sao Paulo SP 04304-010 Tel.: 5078-8441

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