Flexpoint Sensor Systems, Inc. announce an inflow of purchase orders from Manus VR that are increasing in size and frequency. Flexpoint's high-tech sensor is a key component that ensures reliable tracking of finger movement. The Manus VR Gloves are the best in class VR Gloves and have created an effective, but simple to use tool to capture hand and finger movement. Well known industries are currently using the virtual reality gloves. Manus gloves featuring Flexpoint's Bend Sensor® are assisting in mixed reality experiments that train astronauts how to maneuver through the International Space Station in a zero-gravity environment. Industries such as BMW, Audi, and Airbus are also utilizing Manus VR gloves with Flexpoint's Bend Sensor® technology to test drive future models before production has even started. Volkswagen uses Manus VR gloves to give the feeling of a real steering wheel to experience what happens if an accident were to occur. Manus VR has many clients of large industries such as Netflix, Google, and Rolls Royce. Manus VR is widely known for its role in virtual reality gaming and can allow the hands of the user to feel like and be used as controllers.