GB Auto - Water Security 2023

W0. Introduction


(W0.1) Give a general description of and introduction to your organization.

GB Corp is a leading automotive company in the Middle East and a non-bank financial services provider in Egypt with markets in Iraq and Egypt, with over 28,000 employees (2022). GB Corp's revenues (FY 2022) were 29,789 Million EGP. With a rich, and diversified business portfolio, GB Corp strives to embody excellence in every aspect of its business. With a diverse human capital which compiled years of experience in their field of expertise, GB Corp occupies a remarkable leadership in the markets it operates in. The year2022 has been a major milestone in GB Corp's journey. A new brand, rapid digitalization and sustainability across the business lines mark out the year. We have chosen to rebrand us as GB Corp as a representation of who we are today. The unified entity encompasses GB Auto, GB Capital, GB Logistics, GB Ventures, GB Academy and the GB Foundation for Development as subsidiaries of GB Corp.

GB Auto, a market leader in Middle East and Africa, known for its service offerings. This includes manufacturing, assembly, distribution, and after-sales of different types of vehicles ranging from 2&3 wheelers, passenger cars, commercial vehicles, construction equipment and tires. GB Auto's portfolio of partners currently includes the leading global brands of 1) passenger cars: Hyundai, Mazda, GWM, Fabrika, Chery, Changan, 2) tires: Goodyear, Lassa, Yokohama, Westlake, Techking, Doublestar and Verde.

GB Capital is a non-bank financial services provider in Egypt. GB Logistics is an Integrated Service Provider (ISP) specialized in offering high-quality logistics services. GB Ventures is a specialized technology Venture Capital focused primarily on seed investments within the mobility ecosystem. GB Academy is outfitted to provide professional technical training that are tailored to customer needs. Finally, GB Foundation is a non-profit organization focused on bridging the gap between the vocational education and industry needs by applying international standards and accreditations.

2022 marks our third disclosure year to CDP's Climate Change questionnaire and our first disclosure year to CDP's Water Security Questionnaire. We published our seventh sustainability report and second GRI report, in accordance to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). Our third Carbon Footprint Report disclose our 2022 GHG emissions as well as additional details related to the data disclosed in this questionnaire.

In 2022, we successfully phased out diesel entirely across all our manufacturing facilities and replaced it with natural gas, as part of our ongoing efforts to reduce our carbon footprint. Additionally, in terms of governance we have developed GB Corp ESG Strategy 2022-2025 covering 2030 Vision. We have recently launched four hybrid vehicle models. In addition, a partnership will facilitate the localization of Electric, Diesel and CNG buses to serve both the Public and Private transportation sectors in the Egyptian market.

Prima manufacturing plant started the operation of Solar PV in November 2022, currently supplying 1.5% of the plant's electricity consumption. Badr and Sadat plants are in the process of installing solar PV panels, scheduled for operation in 2024. Sadat manufacturing plant is in the process of installing a wastewater treatment system that treats wastewater discharged to be reused in the manufacturing process and for landscape irrigation.

We have also made significant steps on digitalization with a wide range of newly introduced digital tools and channels. One of our key achievements of GB Corp of the reporting year has been the Supplier Gate, a new efficient framework and digital tool for managing our supplier relations. The recently launched Forsa app providing people with greater financial flexibility and is now available across more than 4,000 stores.

During 2022, GB Corp contributed to COP27, hosted by Egypt, through a clean 100%-electric30-bus fleet to reiterated its commitment to present solutions of a clean and sustainable future.

To enhance our ESG performance, we are presently working on creating an Environmental and Social Management System for all of GB Corp's operations. The goal is to develop a comprehensive Climate Change Risk Management System and incorporate it into our existing Group Risk Management Framework.

The boundaries included in this reporting period include facilities and sites across Egypt and Iraq. The facilities in Egypt include 5 factories, in addition to 58 service centres/showrooms, and 6 office buildings. The facilities in Iraq include 1 admin building, 35 showrooms and service centers, 5 warehouses and 4 outlets.

For further information, the links can be accessed as indicated below:


Sustainability report:


(W0.2) State the start and end date of the year for which you are reporting data.

Reporting year

Start date

End date

January 1 2022

December 31 2022


(W0.3) Select the countries/areas in which you operate.






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(W0.4) Select the currency used for all financial information disclosed throughout your response.



(W0.5) Select the option that best describes the reporting boundary for companies, entities, or groups for which water impacts on your business are being reported.

Companies, entities or groups over which operational control is exercised


(W0.6) Within this boundary, are there any geographies, facilities, water aspects, or other exclusions from your disclosure?



(W0.6a) Please report the exclusions.


Please explain

Facilities not associated with

As our factories are the most critical and water intensive in our business, only our 5 factories (all located in Egypt) are set as our boundaries, where the other facilities have been


excluded (which consist of showrooms, service centers and office buildings in Egypt)

As this is our first year to disclose on the Water Security Questionnaire, we are starting with the most critical facilities, to include all of facilities in the upcoming years.


(W0.7) Does your organization have an ISIN code or another unique identifier (e.g., Ticker, CUSIP, etc.)?

Indicate whether you are able to provide a unique identifier for your organization.

Provide your unique identifier

Yes, a Ticker symbol


W1. Current state


(W1.1) Rate the importance (current and future) of water quality and water quantity to the success of your business.

Direct use


Please explain






Sufficient amounts of



The direct utilization of freshwater, withdrawn from the national water supply system, plays an important role in GB Corp's operations. Water serves as a crucial

good quality freshwater

component in various key manufacturing processes, including vehicle painting, and is also essential for employee use (WASH).

available for use

Additionally, indirect freshwater use holds significance in our operations. As a large purchaser of parts and components, many of which require water in their

manufacturing processes, GB Corp primarily sources car parts and assembles them in our manufacturing facilities. Both direct and indirect operations are

impacted by the availability of good quality freshwater, which is why they are rated as "important" in our assessment.

Looking ahead, GB Corp anticipates that a sufficient supply of good quality freshwater will remain critical for our direct use, as our core manufacturing processes

will remain unchanged. We also foresee that our suppliers will continue to rely on water for their operations, while global water scarcity concerns will persist due

to heightened demand and variable supply.

Sufficient amounts of



GB Corp utilizes water in its manufacturing processes, and currently, the direct use of recycled, brackish, and/or produced water holds significance for our facilities

recycled, brackish

in Egypt, considering the high water stress risk in the region. Ensuring sufficient water for production needs, while minimizing the impact on available freshwater,

and/or produced water

remains a priority. We anticipate this importance to persist in the future.

available for use

Aiming for zero wastewater discharge from our manufacturing processes by 2030, GB Corp has already taken action. In 2021, we initiated the installation of a

wastewater treatment plant at our El Sadat manufacturing facility. This plant incorporates a Reverse Osmosis (R/O) system, which plays a key role in treating and

recycling water back into our manufacturing processes. We are delighted to share that as of 2022, we have achieved an 80% completion rate. Our plan is to

replicate such facilities in our other manufacturing plants in the coming years.

The indirect use of recycled water by our suppliers is crucial for ensuring a continuous supply, particularly in regions facing water scarcity. As we anticipate water

scarcity to worsen in certain areas in the future, this aspect remains classified as "important". Embracing water recycling practices will help reduce our

dependence on freshwater resources.





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(W1.2) Across all your operations, what proportion of the following water aspects are regularly measured and monitored?

% of

Frequency of

Method of measurement

Please explain



Water withdrawals - total



Water meters for the national water grid withdrawal.

GB Corp operates three factories, namely Prima, Badr, and Sadat factory, all of


which are connected to the national water supply system. These factories rely

entirely on this supply for their water needs. To monitor water consumption

efficiently, water meters have been installed across all industries, enabling

continuous measurements. Each manufacturing facility diligently monitors its water

usage through these water meters and gathers water withdrawal data from the

monthly water bills.

However, it's worth noting that GB Polo, a factory within the organization, uses

groundwater in its processes, but the total volumes of water usage are not being

tracked at the moment. Additionally, there is another factory named as Citi Factory,

which does not have a significant industrial water consumption. Instead, the primary

water usage at this facility is for employee needs. Specific data records pertaining to

water usage at Citi Factory are currently unavailable.

Water withdrawals -



Each of the factories only have one source of water

Among our 5 factories, only 3 are connected to the national water supply system

volumes by source

withdrawal, as specified.

and directly withdraw water for their industrial processes. However, one of the

factories does not utilize industrial water in its processes, while another factory relies

on groundwater as its water source.

Entrained water associated


with your metals & mining


and/or coal sector activities

- total volumes [only metals

and mining and coal


Produced water associated


with your oil & gas sector


activities - total volumes

[only oil and gas sector]

Water withdrawals quality

Not monitored


The water we receive from the national water supply system adheres to the industrial


water standard, ensuring that it is fully suitable for use in all our processes.

Water discharges - total



Prima and GB Polo Factory have a contractor that

At present, two of our factories, namely Prima and GB Polo Factory, have engaged


collects all the water discharged from the industrial

a contractor responsible for collecting all waste discharge for treatment. This

processes to be treated to meet the national laws and

process occurs on a weekly basis; however, there are currently no precise records

requirements. The water is being collected on a

available regarding the volume of water discharged.

weekly basis, where we are currently working on

enhancing our water management system and water

Recognizing the importance of accurate data management, GB Corp is actively


engaged in developing a robust system for recording and monitoring water

discharge. As we work towards implementing this comprehensive solution, we have

established a temporary estimation approach. For all three factories that monitor

their water withdrawal volume, namely Prima, Badr, and El Sadat, we have

determined the water discharge volume to be an estimated 90% of the total water

withdrawal volume.

Water discharges -



The volume of water discharge in Prima, Badr, and El

Prima and GB Polo Factory have engaged a contractor responsible for collecting

volumes by destination

Sadat factories is estimated based on the volume of

and treating all the water discharged from their industrial processes. Due to the

water withdrawn.

nature of GB Polo's water supply, which involves groundwater from wells on its

premises, the monitoring of its water withdrawal system was not feasible, resulting in

Prima Factory and GB Polo both have contractors

the inability to estimate water discharge volumes for GB Polo.

responsible for collecting and treating the water

discharge. Conversely, Badr and El Sadat factories

On the other hand, both Badr and El Sadat factories manage their wastewater

dispose of their water discharge into the national

discharge by disposing of it into the national sewage system. Before doing so, they

sewage system. Before doing so, they ensure that the

ensure that the effluent characteristics comply with the prescribed national laws and

effluent characteristics comply with the national laws


and regulations.

Regarding water discharge volumes, for all three factories - Prima, Badr, and El

Sadat - the estimation approach considers these volumes to be approximately 90%

of their respective total water withdrawal volumes.

Water discharges -

Not monitored


Prima and GB Polo factories have contracted services for collecting and treating

volumes by treatment


their industrial water discharge, while the other two factories utilize the national


sewage system for water discharge after ensuring compliance with applicable

national laws and regulations regarding effluent characteristics.

Water discharge quality -


Other, please

Periodic monitoring of effluent characteristics is

The discharged water from Prima ang GB Polo factories collected by the contractor

by standard effluent


conducted specifically when we are required to report

is managed as an outsourced service, and while it is not directly monitored by us,



to the Ministry of Environment.

we exercise utmost diligence in selecting reputable partners to collaborate with. This

ensures that we maintain the highest standards of water treatment and remain fully

compliant with all relevant national laws and regulations governing water discharge.

Regarding the other two factories; Badr and El Sadat, water discharge is dumped

into the national sewage system after ensuring that it meets the requirements of the

national laws and regulations.

Water discharge quality -

Not monitored


The discharged water from Prima ang GB Polo factories collected by the contractor

emissions to water


is managed as an outsourced service, and while it is not directly monitored by us,

(nitrates, phosphates,

we exercise utmost diligence in selecting reputable partners to collaborate with. This

pesticides, and/or other

ensures that we maintain the highest standards of water treatment and remain fully

priority substances)

compliant with all relevant national laws and regulations governing water discharge.

Regarding the other two factories; Badr and El Sadat, water discharge is dumped

into the national sewage system after ensuring that it meets the requirements of the

national laws and regulations.

Water discharge quality -

Not relevant


GB Corp's water discharges are typically maintained at ambient temperature, making



this metric currently irrelevant. As we anticipate that our future discharges will also

be at ambient temperature, we expect this metric to remain irrelevant in the future.




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% of

Frequency of

Method of measurement

Please explain



Water consumption - total



At this state, the water consumption is estimated

As part of our continuous commitment to enhancing water management practices,


based on the water withdrawals and water discharge

we are dedicated to developing a robust data collection and management system.

volumes, where we are working on enhancing our

During this transitional phase, we are currently providing estimates of our water

water management system and water records for

consumption based on water withdrawal and water discharge volumes, employing

upcoming assessments and analysis of our

the following equation: Water Consumption = Water Withdrawal - Water Discharge.


It is important to highlight that this methodology is currently applicable only to the

three manufacturing facilities that actively monitor their water withdrawal volume,

namely Prima, Badr, and El Sadat.

Water recycled/reused

Not monitored


El Sadat factory is currently in the process of installing a wastewater treatment plant.


Once the implementation is completed, we will closely monitor and assess the water

that is recycled and reused as part of our water management efforts. Additionally,

we have plans in place to replicate this positive step by installing wastewater

treatment plants in our other manufacturing facilities.

The provision of fully-



There are invoices for all purchased drinking water.

All factories operated and managed by GB Corp provide access to safe and fully

functioning, safely

For hygiene and sanitation, this is made according to

functioning WASH services to all employees and workers.

managed WASH services

cleaning schedules. All equipment is also observed

to all workers

regularly by certain responsible dedicated engineers

The drinking water is bought for all employees and workers, as the tap water is not

at the plants.

suitable for drinking. Hygiene and sanitation are regularly observed and cleaned

according to schedules to ensure consistency. PPEs and sanitizers are also

available for use.

Preventive measures are taken at the workplace for all employees to ensure their

safety with all precautions taken including safety clothes, glasses, gloves etc. All

equipment is regularly being checked to identify any irregularities and maintenance



(W1.2b) What are the total volumes of water withdrawn, discharged, and consumed across all your operations, how do they compare to the previous reporting year, and how are they forecasted to change?





Primary reason

Please explain



reason for


for forecast





with previous






This is our




In 2022, the total water withdrawal volume in our three manufacturing plants equipped with water meters, namely


first year of

in efficiency

Prima, Badr, and El Sadat, amounted to 118.14 megaliters. As this marks our first year of disclosing water data, we


are unable to provide precise comparisons with previous years at this time.

Looking ahead, we have forecasted a positive trajectory for the next five years. Based on our strategic plans and

objectives, we anticipate a decrease in water withdrawals in line with our targeted goal to reduce production water

intensity by 10% by the year 2030.



This is our




Based on our water withdrawal volume in 2022, we estimated the water discharge to be approximately 90% of this


first year of

in efficiency

water withdrawal volume, amounting to 106.33 megaliters. As this is our first year of reporting water data, we are


unable to provide a precise comparison with the previous year.

Looking ahead, we have set ambitious targets for the next five years to reduce water discharge volumes. These

efforts are in line with our commitment to reduce production water intensity. Furthermore, one of our key goals is to

achieve zero wastewater discharge by 2030. To work towards this target, we are actively installing wastewater

treatment plants in our manufacturing facilities. These treatment plants will play a crucial role in treating and recycling

water back into our industrial processes, contributing to our overall sustainability objectives.



This is our




The reported water consumption of 11.81 megaliters is derived from the volumes of water withdrawals, along with an


first year of

in efficiency

estimated 90% water discharge.


As we remain committed to advancing our water management practices, we recognize that precise data on the

volume of water discharged and water consumption is currently unavailable. During this transitional phase, we are

employing an estimation approach, utilizing the equation: Water Consumption = Water Withdrawal - Water Discharge,

which yielded the reported figure of 11.81 megaliters for the current reporting year.

Since this is our first year of reporting water data, we are unable to provide a precise comparison with the previous


Looking ahead to the five-year forecast, we are optimistic that our water consumption will decrease through the

implementation of various projects and initiatives aimed at enhancing water efficiency within our manufacturing plants.





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(W1.2d) Indicate whether water is withdrawn from areas with water stress, provide the proportion, how it compares with the previous reporting year, and how it is forecasted to change.




Primary reason


Primary reason for


Please explain

are from



for comparison




areas with

from areas


with previous


water stress

with water


reporting year






This is our



Other, please specify (We


Based on the assessment conducted using the WRI Aqueduct tool, all the locations


first year of


are not expecting our


where our factories operate in Egypt are categorized as areas with "High" water stress.



operations locations to

change in the next five

As for the geographical locations of our plants, there have been no changes compared


to the previous reporting year. Similarly, the sources from which we withdraw water

remain unchanged, with no alterations in the areas of water withdrawal. Based on our

current projections, we also anticipate this stability to persist over the next five years.


(W1.2h) Provide total water withdrawal data by source.




Primary reason for

Please explain


with previous

comparison with


previous reporting



Fresh surface water,



This is our first


Our primary source of water is the municipal water system, which draws its supply from the Nile River, a

including rainwater, water

year of

freshwater source.

from wetlands, rivers, and



In 2022, the total water withdrawal volume in our three manufacturing plants equipped with water meters,

namely Prima, Badr, and El Sadat, amounted to 118.14 megaliters. As this marks our first year of disclosing

water data, we are unable to provide precise comparisons with previous years at this time.

Brackish surface







Groundwater - renewable



At present, GB Polo, one of our factories, relies on groundwater for its manufacturing processes. However, we

but volume


lack any records pertaining to the precise amount of water consumed or the volume of groundwater extracted


at this facility.

Recognizing the significance of accurate data for effective water management, GB Corp is working on the

development of a robust data collection and management system.

Groundwater - non-







Produced/Entrained water






Third party sources






(W1.2i) Provide total water discharge data by destination.



Comparison with

Primary reason for

Please explain



comparison with previous

reporting year

reporting year

Fresh surface



This is our first year


This is the fresh surface water volumes discharged by Prima, Badr and Sadat Factory, which are based on an


of measurement

assumption of water discharged to be 90% of water withdrawals.


Not relevant





Relevant but

At present, GB Polo, one of our factories, relies on groundwater for its manufacturing processes. However,


we lack any records pertaining to the precise amount of water consumed or the volume of groundwater


extracted at this facility.

Recognizing the significance of accurate data for effective water management, GB Corp is working on the

development of a robust data collection and management system.




This is our first year


The fresh surface water is discharged through third parties, i.e. the contractor and the national sewage water


of measurement


Hence, this number of 106.33 megaliters (for Prima, Badr and Sadat Factory), the amount of water discharged

by a third parties is equal to the volume of fresh surface water discharged.

Prima Factory has a contractor collecting all discharged industrial water to be treated and the other two

factories (Badr and Sadat Factory) discharge their water into the national sewage system.

All volumes of water discharge are based on an assumption of water discharged to be 90% of water






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(W1.3) Provide a figure for your organization's total water withdrawal efficiency.


Total water


Anticipated forward trend











Currently, no forecasts are available. However, we have commenced assessing water withdrawal, consumption, and wastewater discharge to ensure consistent




performance tracking, with an expectation of improving data quality over time. We are also implementing water withdrawal reduction initiatives, anticipating a decrease

in total withdrawal in the future. Additionally, we aim to achieve ISO-standard certifications for our facilities and explore water-efficiency projects to enhance



(W1.4) Do any of your products contain substances classified as hazardous by a regulatory authority?

Row 1

Products contain hazardous substances




(W1.4a) What percentage of your company's revenue is associated with products containing substances classified as hazardous by a regulatory authority?

Regulatory classification

% of revenue associated with

Please explain

of hazardous substances

products containing substances in

this list

Other, please specify

Don't know

Our manufacturing processes involve paintings that must adhere to specific discharge requirements as outlined in national water regulations

(Egyptian Water

and environmental laws.

Regulatory )

Presently, we have engaged a contractor responsible for treating our wastewater. Additionally, we are actively working on implementing a

wastewater treatment plant at our El Sadat factory, with the ultimate goal of recycling the treated water back into our industrial processes.


(W1.5) Do you engage with your value chain on water-related issues?



Please explain

reason for





We are

We have initiated our water assessments within our business and are currently focusing on our direct operations to set a solid management system to be able to track our

planning to

water-related metrics. As for our suppliers, we are not engaging specific on water. However, we are planning to do so as we introduce our water policy standards within the

do so within

two coming years, currently an ongoing project. For now, GB Corp has launched the Suppliers Gate portal for monitoring and controlling our suppliers' operations,

the next two

assessing their capabilities, and as a result, integrating them in the company's database. Also, all suppliers are assessed against GB Corp's supplier selection criteria


which currently incorporates both social and environmental criteria.



We are

We have initiated our water assessments within our business and are currently focusing on our direct operations to set a solid management system to be able to track our


planning to

water-related metrics. As for other value chain partners (e.g. customers), we are not engaging specific on water.


do so within


the next two

However, several initiatives have been done with regards to customer interaction. Our digital transformation journey is key here.




GB Corp uses multiple channels to ensure customer outreach, including social media, in-house developed websites and applications, as well as after-sales services. All

our customers (across all product lines) are well informed of proper maintenance and efficiency measures by our professionally trained after-sales personnel. We are

working on integrating additional sustainability measures within our messaging and outreach.

GB Corp will continue with its commitment to offering its customers the highest possible level of quality and safety by developing new safety technologies that can be apply

to the vehicles.

To improve our customers after sales experience, the After Sales team, launched Chery mobile application allowing seamless, instant & easier interaction. The app

includes a list of features such as scheduling maintenance & repair services, answering customers inquiries as well as updating them with the latest car models. It also

includes customers car maintenance history as well as a roadside assistance service, a chatbot for complaints and inquiries.

W2. Business impacts


(W2.1) Has your organization experienced any detrimental water-related impacts?






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(W2.2) In the reporting year, was your organization subject to any fines, enforcement orders, and/or other penalties for water-related regulatory violations?

Water-related regulatory violations

Fines, enforcement orders, and/or other penalties

Row 1



W3. Procedures


(W3.1) Does your organization identify and classify potential water pollutants associated with its activities that could have a detrimental impact on water ecosystems or human health?


How potential

Please explain




pollutants are

of potential

identified and





No, we do not


Our water mainly consists of two water streams - industrial water used in the production process and regular water used in the kitchens and restrooms by our employees.


identify and


classify our

Regarding the industrial water used in production, the wastewater generated from the Factory's painting processes is collected and treated separately by a third-party

potential water

contractor. We have outsourced this service and do not personally identify the pollutants present in the wastewater. However, we ensure that the contractor we work with is


responsible for treating the wastewater to meet the required standards. By outsourcing the treatment of our industrial wastewater, we are able to focus on our core operations

and at the same time ensure that the wastewater generated from our production processes is treated effectively and in compliance with regulatory requirements.


(W3.3) Does your organization undertake a water-related risk assessment?

No, water risks-related are not assessed


(W3.3c) Why does your organization not undertake a water-related risk assessment?

Primary reason

Please explain


We are planning to introduce a risk

At present, we do not undertake any water-related risk assessment. However, we are serious about addressing this issue and plan to do so within the next two years.


assessment process within the next

This is particularly important given the serious water stress situation in Egypt, where our major operations are located.

two years

Our aim is to assess the risks related to water and come up with strategies to address them. This could involve measures such as reducing our water usage,

implementing water-saving technologies, and exploring alternative sources of water. By doing so, we hope to play our part in ensuring the sustainable use of water

resources in Egypt and beyond.

We recognize that water scarcity is a pressing global issue and believe that every organization has a responsibility to contribute to its resolution. As such, we are

dedicated to taking proactive steps to manage our water usage covering any water-related risks.

W4. Risks and opportunities


(W4.1) Have you identified any inherent water-related risks with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business?

Yes, only within our direct operations





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(W4.1a) How does your organization define substantive financial or strategic impact on your business?

GB Corp has recently (during 2022) launched its revamped brand, aspiring to be more than just a provider of products and services. We want to enable solutions that bring value to people and promote sustainable practices. In our organization, we define "substantive impacts" as those that have the potential to affect our business activities, customer and employee experience in a positive and/or negative way. This could be due to water-related risks and opportunities such as conditions or events, which could affect our ability to operate as well as operational costs, earnings and financial position.

To identify and assess water-related risks, we use the two criteria:

  • the severity of the impact on reputation, operating costs, and revenue, and
  • the frequency with which the risk could arise

We regularly evaluate our operations to identify critical and emerging risks that could have a significant effect on GB Corp. We are also in the phase of preparing a water policy outlining our commitment to responsible water management, as well as specific goals and targets related to water use and quality. It will also cover details on the business' approach to wastewater management, water-related risk assessment, and stakeholder engagement.

  • Operational risks could arise from the emerging water stress operating in a country facing water scarcity.
  • Financial risks could result from financial losses exceeding a certain threshold, which requires mitigation.
  • Additionally, any risk or impact that has the potential to disrupt production and/or prevent access to markets or negatively affect more than 1% of net income is considered significant and requires attention.


(W4.1b) What is the total number of facilities exposed to water risks with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business, and what proportion of your company-wide facilities does this represent?

Total number of

% company-wide


facilities exposed

facilities this

to water risk





For the time being, the assessment is covering all our 5 factories (all of them located in Egypt). We have not conducted a complete assessment of our water risks


within the business, and thus, at the moment we cannot give a value for % company-wide facilities this represents (the proportion of organization's company-wide

facilities exposed to substantive water risk).

Our aim is to within the coming years assess the water risks associated with all our operations and identify ways to mitigate them. This will involve analyzing factors

such as water availability, quality, and regulatory requirements. By doing so, we hope to gain a better understanding of the water-related risks we face and develop

strategies to address them effectively.


(W4.1c) By river basin, what is the number and proportion of facilities exposed to water risks that could have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business, and what is the potential business impact associated with those facilities?

Country/Area & River basin



Number of facilities exposed to water risk


  • company-widefacilities this represents Unknown

Production value for the metals & mining activities associated with these facilities

  • company's annual electricity generation that could be affected by these facilities
  • company's global oil & gas production volume that could be affected by these facilities
  • company's total global revenue that could be affected



All our factories are located around the Nile, which is the main source of water withdrawal in Egypt (specific to the locations of our factories).


(W4.2) Provide details of identified risks in your direct operations with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business, and your response to those risks.

Country/Area & River basin




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Type of risk & Primary risk driver


Tighter regulatory standards

Primary potential impact

Fines, penalties or enforcement orders

Company-specific description

As factories, we are regularly being inspected by authorities regarding our operations, where the water withdrawal and wastewater discharge needs to follow the national regulations. There would be high penalties if any of the requirements are not met. As we operate in a country with high water stress, we are aware that these regulations and standards might become tighter in the future. Therefore, we are strict committed to follow the regulations in addition to observing any changes in the regulations.



Magnitude of potential impact



More likely than not

Are you able to provide a potential financial impact figure?

No, we do not have this figure

Potential financial impact figure (currency)

Potential financial impact figure - minimum (currency)

Potential financial impact figure - maximum (currency)

Explanation of financial impact


Primary response to risk

Other, please specify (Setting internal procedures and startards to related to water withdrawal, use and discharge)

Description of response

To avoid any penalties by the current regulations or more stringent laws in the future, we are in the phase of developing a water policy standard to be completed and realized within the two coming years. Thereto, we are seeking our plants to be certified with relevant ISO-certifications. Prima Plant is currently in the process of attaining the ISO 50001 certification. Also, we have received a preparatory training course and got certified on the proper implementation of the standard's requirements, where we seek to do this for all our facilities.

Cost of response


Explanation of cost of response

Data not available regarding the cost of response.

Country/Area & River basin



Type of risk & Primary risk driver

Reputation & markets

Negative media coverage

Primary potential impact

Brand damage

Company-specific description

As a leading company in our field operating in this region, we recognize the importance of protecting our reputation. Any negative media coverage could potentially harm our brand and have a significant impact on our business, including the risk of losing customers and market share.

We understand that our reputation is built on providing high-quality products and services, as well as conducting our operations in a responsible and sustainable manner. Therefore, we are committed to upholding these values and ensuring that our business practices reflect our commitment to ethical and responsible conduct.

By prioritizing our reputation, we aim to maintain the trust and loyalty of our customers and stakeholders, and to continue to be a trusted partner in the communities where we operate.



Magnitude of potential impact



About as likely as not




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Are you able to provide a potential financial impact figure?

No, we do not have this figure

Potential financial impact figure (currency)

Potential financial impact figure - minimum (currency)

Potential financial impact figure - maximum (currency)

Explanation of financial impact


Primary response to risk

Comply with local regulatory requirements

Description of response

We place great importance on ensuring that our operations are conducted in compliance with national regulations. Additionally, we strive to obtain ISO certification for our facilities and are continuously exploring opportunities to address any concerns that may impact our business.

To achieve this, we regularly hold board-level meetings to discuss climate-related issues and identify ways to improve our environmental performance. Through these discussions, we aim to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in environmental regulations and best practices, and to implement measures to reduce our environmental impact.

We recognize the importance of responsible business practices and are committed to upholding high standards in all areas of our operations. By taking a proactive approach to environmental management, we aim to ensure that our operations are conducted in a sustainable and responsible manner.

Cost of response


Explanation of cost of response

Data not available regarding the cost of response.

Country/Area & River basin



Type of risk & Primary risk driver

Chronic physical

Water stress

Primary potential impact

Reduction or disruption in production capacity

Company-specific description

Operating in a country with high water stress, an increasing population, and high demand for water, we face the risk of reduced production capacity due to water scarcity. This risk is further compounded by the rapid development of new cities and factories, which puts additional strain on already limited water resources.



Magnitude of potential impact




Are you able to provide a potential financial impact figure?

No, we do not have this figure

Potential financial impact figure (currency)

Potential financial impact figure - minimum (currency)

Potential financial impact figure - maximum (currency)

Explanation of financial impact


Primary response to risk

Adopt water efficiency, water reuse, recycling and conservation practices

Description of response

As a manufacturing company, we understand that water is a vital resource that is essential to our operations. We recognize the importance of responsible water management and are taking proactive steps to address the risks associated with water scarcity and ensure the sustainable use of water resources.

One of the key ways we are addressing these risks is by exploring water-saving technologies to be implemented and practices across our operations. This includes measures such as optimizing our production processes to reduce water usage, regular monitoring of the water consumption to identify areas for improvement, and monitoring all equipment with regular maintenance.

We are also focused on optimizing our wastewater treatment processes, including investing wastewater treatment systems that enable us to treat and reuse wastewater in




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GB Auto SAE published this content on 01 November 2023 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 01 November 2023 11:07:28 UTC.