Gecina announced that it is launching its online “Shareholder Space” for shareholders whose securities are held on a pure registered basis and managed directly by the Group’s Securities & Stock Market team. This space will make it possible to improve the quality and responsiveness of the close relations that Gecina is committed to maintaining over the long term with its individual shareholders. Including more than 72% of the Group’s employees who are also shareholders, which is one of the levels of employee shareholding in value terms on the SBF 120, individual shareholders represent more than 5% of the Group’s capital. Available from the Investors page on or at, this space has been designed to provide shareholders with simple access to all the useful information needed for managing their securities account. It supplements Gecina’s existing range of services for its shareholders, from a dedicated team to shareholder meetings, a toll-free number, a Shareholders Club and a range of publications for shareholders, including the Shareholder Newsletter. This new tool illustrates the Group’s digital transformation and confirms its ambition to offer a full range of services for all its stakeholders, including its shareholders. Acknowledging its commitments, Gecina received the 2020 Le Revenu Silver Award for Best Shareholder Relations on the SBF 120.