The Board of Directors of GenSight Biologics acknowledged the resignation of Mr. Bernard Gilly from his position as director. The Board of Directors of the Company also announced its decision, after consultation of the Nomination Committee, to co-opt Mrs. Laurence Rodriguez as director for the remainder of Bernard Gilly?s term of office (expiring at the end of the annual shareholders meeting to be held in 2024 to approve the financial statements for the financial year ending December 31, 2023). The co-optation of Laurence Rodriguez will be subject to ratification by the next shareholders?

meeting of the Company. Laurence Rodriguez appointment as Chief Executive Officer became effective on December 21, 2023. She has over 30 years?

experience in the life sciences industry, including 13 years in the rare diseases business at Sanofi Genzyme, where she held a range of executive roles. As Head of the Rare Diseases & Rare Blood Disorders unit at Sanofi Genzyme, she oversaw the successful launch of various rare disease products developed or acquired by the Company. She joined GenSight Biologics in May 2021 as Head of Operations for France.

She handled the early access program in preparation for LUMEVOQ®'s commercialization and created strong relationships with the stakeholders.