Global Mixed-Mode Technology Inc. announced election result of Directors (including Indepedent Directors). Title and name of the previous position holder: Representative of Institutional Director of Yipeng Investment Co.,Ltd.:Hsieh, Nan-Chiang, Natural-person director: Wu,Chin-Chuan Representative of Institutional Director of Yipeng Investment Co.,Ltd.: Wang Chen, Shu-Chen Representative of Institutional Director of Yipeng Investment Co.,Ltd.: Hsieh, Yu-Ju (5)Independent director: Lo,Fu-Chuan, Independent director: Chen,Shih-Hsin Independent director: Chen,Hui-Ling Title and name of the new position holder: Title and name of the new position holder: Representative of Institutional Director of Yipeng Investment Co.,Ltd.: Wu,Chin-Chuan Representative of Institutional Director of Yipeng Investment Co.,Ltd.: Hsieh,Yu-Ju Representative of Institutional Director of Yipeng Investment Co.,Ltd.: Hsieh,Yi-Wang, Representative of Institutional Director of Yipeng Investment Co.,Ltd.: Wu, Ming-Ju, Independent director: Chen, Shih-Hsin Independent director: Chien, Wei-Neng Independent director: Lin, Tsung-Sheng 6.Resume of the new position holder: Wu,Chin-Chuan:Vice Chairman & President,Global Mixed-mode Technology Co.,Ltd. Hsieh,Yu-Ju:Director, Global Mixed-mode Technology Co.,Ltd. Hsieh,Yi-Wang:Managing Director, Bruin Lake Inc.(US), Wu, Ming-Ju:President, Cosmos HiFi Co. Ltd. (5)Chen, Shih-Hsin:Independent director,Global Mixed-mode Technology Co.,Ltd. Chien, Wei-Neng:Managing Attorney, Chien, Wei-Neng Law Firm, Lin, Tsung-Sheng:Chairman,BVI Merchant Watson Capital Limited.

Date of occurrence of the change: June 14, 2023.