Green Compliance Water Hygiene and Treatmentis a complete water treatment, water hygiene and air solutions company, dedicated to providing customers with innovative environmental solutions. We specialise in ensuring that we understand our customers' requirements and how to fulfil them. We do this by providing a bespoke package to give safe water systems, peace of mind and above all complete compliance.

Minimise Group ESOS Event

Essential breakfast briefings for directors and managers yet to start ESOS assessment

London 14th May 2015 and Leeds 19th May 2015

The deadline for compliance with ESOS, the Government's Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme, is fast approaching. By 5th December 2015 all businesses with 250 employees or more, or with a turnover of over €50m and a balance sheet in excess of €43m, must undertake a comprehensive audit of energy use, achieve compliance with government regulations and notify this to the Environment Agency.

If your business has yet to start this process, it's not too late - but timeis running out. Implementing ESOS will not only mean essential legal compliance and avoiding hefty government fines - up to £50,000 plus £500 per day - but your business will reap the proven business benefits and substantial cost savings that come from effectively addressing energy efficiency.

Run by a panel of industry experts whose experience covers ESOS strategy development, energy management, business sustainability and legal compliance with ESOS, these briefings will provide you with all the information you need to meet ESOS compliance quickly and efficiently. They will highlight the process, the pitfalls, the quick wins and, crucially, how to best maximise the real commercial benefits of compliance for your business on an on-going basis and drive savings to your organisation's bottom line.

Who should attend?

  • Internal Energy Managers and Facilities Managers who are just starting their ESOS journey and want to understand more
  • Business Owners, Directors and Commercial Managers looking to understand the true value of ESOS and to learn how other companies have already benefitted from improved energy efficiency
  • Any business that has started ESOS compliance activity but needs guidance on issues faced with compliance and/or implementation
  • Energy and Sustainability Consultants wishing to broaden their knowledge

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