Green Hygienics Holdings, Inc. filed a plan of reorganization with related disclosure statement in the US Bankruptcy Court on November 30, 2023. As per the plan filed, professional fee claims of $0.04 million, US Trustee fees, IRS priority tax claims of $0.51 million, Franchise Tax Boar claim of $4,303.82, shall be paid in full in cash. Priority unsecured claims are estimated to be of nil.

Secured claim of S.D. County of $0.15 million shall be paid in full in cash. Secured claims of IRS of $0.33 million shall be paid in full from the sale proceeds. Secured claim of the Kreutzkamp trust of $2.75 million shall be paid from the sale of Potrero property.

Secured claim of Home Loan Eagle, Inc. of $4.43 million shall be paid from the sale proceeds of Potrero property. Secured claim of Firebird Manufacturing, LLC of $0.22 million will be paid from the sale of Potrero property. Secured claim of RDO Equipment Co.

of $0.12 million will be paid from the sale of the Potrero property. General unsecured creditors claim of $2.63 million shall be paid from the sale proceeds. The plan shall be funded through cash and sale of assets.

Debtor decided to sell the Potrero Property with the listing price of $17.90 million.