Títulos principais em Arial 12 negrito


Corporate Taxpayer's ID (CNPJ/MF) 02.846.056/0001-97 Company Registry (NIRE) 35.300.158.334


In compliance with CVM Rule 358, CCR S.A. ('CCR' / 'Company') (Bovespa: CCRO3; Bloomberg: CCRO3BZ; Reuters: CCRO3.SA), in view of the news recently published in the media, hereby clarifies the market in general the following facts:

CCR Barcas ('BARCAS'), CCR's jointly-owned subsidiary, holds the concession for water transport in the Guanabara and Ilha Grande bays, under regulation of the Rio de Janeiro State Regulatory Agency for Public Transportation Service Concessions ('AGETRANSP'), backed by a Concession Agreement ('Concession Agreement' / 'Agreement'), which sets forth the performing of revision on a quinquennial basis for the definition of tariffs and equalizing of any imbalances that may be detected.

In relation to the last quinquennial revisions referring to the 3rd and 4th five-year periods, AGETRANSP detected contractual imbalances, which are being monitored and analyzed by the Secretary of Transport of the Rio de Janeiro State ('Secretary of Transport') but are yet to be balanced.

In addition, the charging of the contractual equilibrium tariff defined by AGETRANSP for the five-year period from 2013 to 2018, in accordance with Resolution 660, of May 28, 2015, published on June 1, 2015, has not been authorized yet, thus increasing the contractual imbalance for the current five-year period.

Consequently, AGETRANSP and the Secretary of Transport have analyzed, together with BARCAS, the possible ways to equalize the Concession Agreement. The alternatives under consideration include, besides the contractual balancing or restructuring of the current Agreement, a possible consensual dissolution of Concession Agreement, so as to allow a new legal framework for the concession, aiming to maintain a service provision of high quality and prevent the recurrence of contractual imbalances.

The analysis in progress on the Agreement's situation will consider the public interest of users of the service, with the quality implemented by BARCAS, as well as the equalizing of debts that have already been incurred, thus favoring the contractual regularity of the Parties. Nevertheless, processes of this nature involve the performing of various studies and acts, as well as the completion of stages, including the hearing of internal bodies, before any final decision is made.

BARCAS will continue to provide passenger water transport services, pursuant to the Agreement and with the same quality, for the necessary time to define the best way to equalize the Concession Agreement, as well as for a reasonable additional term, so as to allow the taking of measures arising from the solution adopted by the Parties.

BARCAS, the world's fourth largest water transport operator, reiterates to its over 100,000 passengers transported on a daily basis its commitment to fulfill its contractual obligations with proper quality, informing that no changes have been made in the services provided pursuant to the current Concession Agreement.

The Company maintains its commitment to the development of infrastructure, enabling investment and services solutions, and contributing to the social, economical and environmental development of the areas in which it operates a.

São Paulo, October 14, 2015.

CCR. S.A. ARTHUR PIOTTO FILHO Investor Relations Officer
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