Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. approved the qualification of Mr. Da Hengcheng to be a director of the Bank and Mr. Zhang Weiguo to be an independent director of the Bank. The board of directors of the Bank announces that Mr. Da Hengcheng serves as a non-executive director of the Bank, a member of the Strategy and Investment Committee (Sannong Committee) and a member of the Consumer Rights Protection Committee, and Mr. Zhang Weiguo serves as an independent non-executive director of the Bank, a member of the Related Party Transactions and Risk Management Committee and a member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee. Their terms of office commenced from September 27, 2022 (as to their directorship) and September 28, 2022 as to their membership in the above board committees) until the expiry of the term of the third session of the Board.

For the biographical details and other information of Mr. Da Hengcheng and Mr. Zhang Weiguo. The company recently received the resignation of Ms. Wang and Mr. Liang. Ms. Wang and Mr. Liang have resigned from the positions of proposed non-executive director due to personal work adjustment and personal work arrangements, respectively.

The resignations are effective from September 28, 2022. Ms. Wang and Mr. Liang have confirmed that they have no disagreement with the third session of the Board, and there are no matters relating to their respective resignations that need to be brought to the attention of the shareholders and creditors of the Bank.