Guizhou Yunda Technology Co., Ltd. signed agreement to acquire 45.9% stake in Shenzhen Runan Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. from Haoyun Technologies Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300448) for CNY 19 million on June 1, 2022. Under the agreement, Guizhou Yunda Technology Co., Ltd. shall py CNY 2.4 million within 10 working days f signing agreement, CNY 7.45 million within one month from completion of transaction and CNY 9.15 million within one year from completion of transaction. For the year ended December 31, 2021, Shenzhen Runan Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. has reported total assets of CNY 158.42 million, revenues of CNY 89.98 million, operating loss of CNY 49.06 million, net loss of CNY 48.98 million and net assets of CNY 41.239 million. The transaction is subject to obtaining approval from shareholders of Haoyun Technologies Co.,Ltd. while its Board of Directors has approved the transaction.