Business description: HydrogenOne Capital Growth plc

HydrogenOne Capital Growth plc (HydrogenOne) is a United Kingdom-based hydrogen fund, which is engaged in investing in clean hydrogen for a positive environmental impact. The Company’s investment objective is to deliver an attractive level of capital growth by investing, directly or indirectly, in a diversified portfolio of hydrogen and complementary hydrogen focused assets whilst integrating core environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles into its decision making and ownership process. The Company seeks to achieve its investment objective through investment in a diversified portfolio of hydrogen and complementary hydrogen focused assets, with an expected focus in developed markets in Europe, North America, the GCC and Asia Pacific. It invests in unquoted hydrogen assets, which can be operational companies or hydrogen projects (completed or under construction) (Private Hydrogen Assets). It also invests in quoted or traded hydrogen assets.

Sales by Activity: HydrogenOne Capital Growth plc

Fiscal Period: December202120222023

Investment into The Hydrogen Focussed Investments

-1.61M 3.27M 9.36M
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Members of the board: HydrogenOne Capital Growth plc

Manager TitleAgeSince
Chairman - 2021-05-19
Director/Board Member 48 2021-05-19
Director/Board Member - 2022-02-07
Director/Board Member 57 2022-05-19
Composition of the Board of Directors

Shareholders: HydrogenOne Capital Growth plc

INEOS Offshore BCS Ltd.
19.41 %
25,000,000 19.41 % 7 M p
Rathbones Investment Management Ltd.
6.527 %
8,407,921 6.527 % 2 M p
West Yorkshire Pension Fund
6.402 %
8,247,023 6.402 % 2 M p
Stichting Juridisch Eigendom Privium Sustainable Impact Fund
4.689 %
6,040,000 4.689 % 2 M p
Investec Wealth & Investment Ltd.
3.368 %
4,338,383 3.368 % 1 M p

Holdings: HydrogenOne Capital Growth plc

33,4020.02%64,787 $
104,0000.02%47,503 $

Company details: HydrogenOne Capital Growth plc

Hydrogenone Capital Growth Plc

125 London Wall 6th Floor

EC2Y 5AS, London

+44 20 4513 9260
address HydrogenOne Capital Growth plc(HGEN)

Private Equity

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Change 5d. change 1-year change 3-years change Capi.($)
-1.96%+3.20%-50.66%-77.81% 36.63M
+1.07%+2.63%+17.22%+14.35% 41.36B
+1.37%+2.10%+34.99%+9.14% 40.88B
-1.73%-0.22% - - 25.4B
+1.51%-0.25%+6.99%+20.00% 5.57B
+0.06%+2.44%+2.77%+0.38% 4.23B
+1.30%+2.15%+44.97%+6.98% 4.05B
-0.93%-0.56%+57.06%+30.24% 3.64B
-1.53%-0.52%-11.47% - 1.15B
+0.22%+2.23%+1.31%-33.86% 1.11B
Average -0.06%+1.32%+11.47%-3.82% 12.74B
Weighted average by Cap. +0.51%+1.62%+25.19%+11.68%
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