Hyundai Mobis (KRX:012330) joins the global alliance for a coordinated response to cyber threats, such as hacking, in the age of connected cars and smart cars.

Hyundai Mobis announced on January 16 that it had become a regular member of ‘Auto-ISAC,’ the Automotive Information Sharing and Analysis Center for automotive cyber security.

‘Auto-ISAC’ was a private organization founded in July 2015 by 15 global automakers. It was established to coordinate a joint-industry response to the rise of automotive hacking threats, e.g. duplicating smart keys and starting cars. Major global automakers, including Hyundai and Kia Motor Co., have signed up, alongside global automotive suppliers. Regular members can attend regular meetings, which are held quarterly, and acquire a variety of information and technological know-how related to cyber security.

‘Auto-ISAC’ is an organization driven by the collective intelligence of member companies. Its first priority is given to sharing information on vehicle security accidents, both online and offline. They collect cases, analyze current vulnerabilities and attack patterns as well as also devising new solutions; all its findings are included in manuals and distributed. Last July ‘Auto-ISAC’ disclosed seven guidelines for responding to cyber threats through its website. They included practical contents about risk assessment, and the management, detection of threats, defense against them, and responding to accidents.

As a matter of fact, the member companies are sharing a variety of information in the cases of vehicle hacking attacks. It has been confirmed that there are cases of remotely accessing the in-vehicle communication system and controlling the transmission, the door lock/unlock and the cluster.

These remote hacking attacks pose an ever greater threat with the increasing prevalence of smart cars and connected cars in the future automotive industry. The combination between automobiles and IT is accelerating, and inter-vehicular communication and the communication between vehicles and external networks are intensifying. As a result, the targets and scope of cyber-attacks are expanding. Automakers and automotive suppliers are reinforcing technological security from product design. Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that the system is vulnerable to new kinds of hacking.

Convinced that the greatest value must be placed on the safety of drivers and passengers in a situation where the vehicles rely more on electronic components and become more high-tech, Hyundai Mobis is planning to do its best to reinforce its own security system that can proactively respond to cyber security threats.