DALLAS, Nov. 13 /PRNewswire/ -- In a recent survey conducted by online dating site Chemistry.com, 65 percent of members admitted that when looking for true love, they've wished on a wishbone.

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Members were also asked which celebrity chef they would want to help them cook their Thanksgiving dinner. Forty-one percent of members said they would want Rachael Ray by their side in the kitchen, followed by Bobby Flay with 26 percent and Wolfgang Puck with 22 percent. And cooking a Thanksgiving feast is "Hell"-ish enough without constructive criticism, which could possibly be why members decided that Gordon Ramsay received only 11 percent.

And what better dish to prepare with a celebrity chef than one that tells your sweetie how thankful you are for them? Fifty-one percent of members said a chocolate pie was the top aphrodisiac on the dinner table. Apple crisp came in second with 23 percent, sweet potatoes received 14 percent and turkey gobbled up 12 percent of the votes.

"It might be called 'Turkey Day,' but our members have made it clear that it's actually the sweets that get them excited," said Dr. Helen Fisher, chief scientific advisor to Chemistry.com. "While Thanksgiving is traditionally based around the dinner table, it's ultimately a time for people to share a day and say thanks to the people they love."

This Chemistry.com poll was conducted online and fielded 3,302 responses.

About Chemistry.com

Launched by Match.com in February 2006, Chemistry.com was created to bring together independent-thinking, confident, diverse singles that are serious about finding a meaningful relationship. Based on the research of renowned biological anthropologist Dr. Helen Fisher, Chemistry.com uses a proprietary test to predict which two people are most likely to experience a life-changing jolt of chemistry. This approach, combined with its "come as you are" philosophy and private matching technique, makes Chemistry.com the ideal place to find the relationship that is right for each individual, whether it's marriage, romance, a partnership or a long-term commitment. Chemistry.com is an operating business of IAC (Nasdaq: IACI).

SOURCE Chemistry.com