Forestali S.r.l. (BIT:ICF) commences share repurchases on August 13, 2020, under the program mandated by the shareholders in the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting held on April 28, 2020. As per the mandate, the company is authorized to repurchase its own shares such as not to exceed the limit of 10% of the capital of the company, for a total of €6.8 million. The share repurchase price must not be lower than at least 10% and higher in the maximum of 10% with respect to the arithmetic average of the official prices recorded by the title of company on the AIM Italia multilateral trading system during the five trading days prior to each individual purchase transaction. The purpose of the program is to allow the use of treasury shares in operations connected with management characteristic or of projects consistent with the strategic lines that the company intends pursue, in relation to which the opportunity for share exchanges materializes, with the main objective, therefore, is to have a portfolio of treasury shares to make use of in the context of extraordinary finance transactions and / or other deemed uses of financial-managerial and strategic interest for the company with the aim of therefore finalize corporate integration operations with potential strategic partners, exchange of shareholdings or agreements of a commercial and / or professional nature deemed strategic for the company. The plan will be valid for 18 months, starting from the effective date.