Innovative Composites International Inc. announced that its board of directors has appointed Mark Rivers, currently a director of the company, to serve as Vice Chairman and interim Chief Executive Officer of the company. Sam Greiss has resigned as Chief Financial Officer and as a director of the company. Mark Rivers is the founder of several businesses, including: Presidents of Enterprising Organizations; Breakthrough Growth Corporation; CEO Capital Corporation.

He has been called upon to help companies work through various issues affecting growth, such as mergers, partner buyouts, strategic alliances and conflict resolutions. Mr. Rivers has been engaged by shareholders and pension funds across North America as an activist on behalf of shareholders to lead the restoration of value in several public companies. In this capacity he has served as chairman, executive chairman and CEO of three different public companies listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange, the TSX Venture Exchange, and the NEX, and has successfully led the turnaround in value and performance of extremely distressed companies in the defense, software, aerospace, naval and transportation industries.