Jiancheng International Group Limited announced it has signed three supplementary agreements for existing projects in Malaysia and Bangladesh, with a combined value of more than $11 million. JCI has signed a supplementary agreement for the construction of a billet caster project in Malaysia, as originally announced on 30 July 2018. Due to the need for an extension to existing infrastructure, the remit for JCI has increased. This additional project is valued at $5.9 million and JCI was appointed a sub-contractor by Anhui Sinoconst Chengjian Construction Co. Ltd, which it has previously worked with in Malaysia and other regions. The project aligns with the Company's expanded business presence in Malaysia and will utilise both local workers, Chinese management staff and third-party labour providers. Additionally, JCI has signed another supplementary agreement with Anhui Sinoconst Chengjian Construction Co. Ltd. as part of the Tube Machine Building Project at Kuantan Industrial Park in Malaysia. The additional $2.7 million project encompasses the expansion of existing infrastructure and will include the labour hire of steel workers, bricklayers, carpenters and technical workers. The original contract was worth $8.6 million, as announced on 31 August 2018. The Company also signed a supplementary agreement for the Bangladesh Payra Thermal Power Plant project, valued at $2.6 million. This is expanded remit is a result of the addition of a desulphurisation process building and desulphurisation electric control facility in the power plant.