Since Johnson Electric Holdings Limited published its third quarter business and financial update on 15 January 2020, the situation concerning the impact of the COVID-19 health emergency on the Company's manufacturing operations and supply chain in China has continued to evolve. Given the unanticipated impact of COVID-19 on production activity in China since late January, and notwithstanding the gradual return towards normal production levels, the company now anticipate ­ again based on current available information ­ that Johnson Electric's sales in the fourth quarter of its current financial year ending 31 March 2020 will be approximately $60 million to $80 million lower than was anticipated in early January.

Sales in the second half of the financial year are expected to be between 2% to 3% lower than the first half. Hence, full year reported sales are expected to be approximately $3.1 billion. Excluding currency movements, this represents a decrease of approximately 3% to 4% compared to the prior financial year.