Jupiter Gold Corporation announced that it had elected Antônio Florêncio da Silva and Joel de Paiva Monteiro to its Board of Directors. eneral Antônio Florêncio da Silva was most recently a 2-star General in the Brazilian Army. General Florêncio held many posts as commander in various units throughout his career, culminating with being the Commander-in-Chief of the Second Military Zone in Brazil, headquartered in Campo Grande, state of Mato Grosso. Joel Monteiro, Esq. is a partner of the Brazilian law firm PRA Advogados - Pimenta da Rocha Andrade, with three offices and headquarters in Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais. Mr. Monteiro works with all aspects of Brazilian business law and has extensive experience in a wide range of areas, from strategic business planning to litigation. His current clients include large corporations in a variety of economic sectors in diverse states in Brazil.