Karelian Diamond Resources PLC announced results of Electron Microprobe Analysis of Kimberlitic garnets from till samples taken from sample locations up-ice of the location of the previous discovery of a green diamond by the company. The results indicate the presence of a diamond stability field and, in turn, the presence of diamond bearing kimberlite likely to be the source of the diamond. Discovery of the source of the green diamond could be particularly significant as coloured diamonds, including green diamonds, sell for prices which can be multiples of those for clear colourless diamonds.

Sixty garnets from a series of locations were submitted to Renaud Geological Consulting Ltd. in Canada for detailed Electron Microprobe Analysis, having been picked from till samples by Overburden Drilling Management Limited (ODM). The Microprobe analysis resulted in the identification of nineteen G10 (harzburgitic), nineteen G9 (lherzolitic), fifteen G5 (pyroxenitic) and seven G4 (eclogitic) garnets. The presence of diamond stability field garnets (G10D) and other diamond-facies garnets (G4D and G5D) is a clear indicator of the diamond potential of the Kuhmo target area.

The discovery of the green diamond down-ice, together with the abundance of G10 harzburgitic garnets, including G10D's, and the presence of eclogitic G4 garnets, including G4D's, and pyroxenitic G5D garnets, all indicate a deep-mantle source for kimberlite originating from the diamond stability field where diamonds are formed. The results indicate that two of the sample locations (A5-23-01 and A5-23-03) are likely to be very close to the kimberlitic source of the green diamond.