"BI for finance is more than just reporting on the past. It allows us to make simulations that may drive the business into the right direction."

A lot can happen in 20 years. In 1990, Stella Artois was still a local player from Leuven. AB Inbev today is one of the largest beer companies in the world. To further expand and strengthen that position, the company focuses on financial performance. Since 2012, a European project on Business Intelligence for Finance has been running at AB Inbev.

Dries Van Damme - CFO Magazine spoke to Pieter Bruyland, Director lBS Europe and Andreas Girke, Director of the BI program at AB Inbev. They take us through the process and highlight the beneifts brough by BI.

Read the full article in English - BI for Finance at AB Inbev - Simulations with sound figures.

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