Kuya Silver Corporation announced the results of surficial stripping of veins and vein systems at the Campbell-Crawford area, including the interpreted Angus Vein and two other nearby, parallel veins (McNamara and Clark). Surface stripping of these veins to date has uncovered a combined intermittent surface length exposure of 375 m and these veins have the same potential for bonanza-grade silver at depth as the Angus Vein. The Company is also pleased to announce final results for the 2023 Phase 1 drilling campaign including the Campbell-Crawford, North Drummond and Silver Leaf areas (holes 23-SK-01 to -07, -09 and -010), which includes the discovery of an additional buried mineralized vein at Campbell-Crawford.

Highlights: Three veins and/or veins systems, including the interpreted surface expression of the Angus Vein, have been uncovered on surface at Campbell-Crawford and the adjacent Airgiod area, for a combined length to date of 375 m. All three veins and vein zones remain open along trend and have a similar east-west orientation: The Angus Vein is exposed for 175 m along strike (aside from a 75 m gap) and the vein zone is up to 3.60 m wide. The newly uncovered McNamara Vein, located 20 m north of the Angus Vein, is exposed for 75 m and open in both directions with a vein zone up to 1.00 m wide. The newly uncovered Clark Vein, intermittently exposed for 125 m along trend (maximum 25 m continuous exposure), occurs 225 m northwest of the Angus Vein on the adjacent Airgiod property.

The Angus and Clark veins host visually- or pXRF-identified but sporadic cobalt and/or nickel mineralization, which, similar to the Angus Vein discovery, may be associated with silver. At the adjoining Airgiod property, a third vein was exposed. This vein, hereby named the Clark Vein, is exposed for 25 m, then sporadically for an additional 100 m, for a combined 125 m total length with historic pits on both sides.