Landos Biopharma, Inc. announced a strategic research collaboration to investigate the effects of NX-13 on epithelial cells with the Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Team at KU Leuven and University Hospitals Leuven (KU Leuven), a leading European research university and hospital network known for its innovation in Leuven, Belgium. NX-13 is the first-in-class, oral, gut-selective, NLRX1 agonist with a bimodal mechanism of action that addresses both extracellular signals and the intracellular environment to reduce pro-inflammatory signals restore immune and microbiome balance and improve epithelial barrier integrity. The NEXUS Phase 2 proof-of-concept clinical trial of NX-13 in patients with moderate-to-severe ulcerative colitis (UC) was initiated during the second quarter of 2023.

Recruitment, screening and randomization of patients continues, with top-line results on track for the fourth quarter of 2024. Bram Verstockt, M.D., an assistant professor and IBD specialist at KU Leuven, will lead the research collaboration together with professor Severine Vermeire, M.D., Ph.D., aiming to elucidate the direct effects of NX-13 in epithelial cells by using UC patient-derived organoid models. These organoid models are ex-vivo 3D cell cultures containing formed mucosal and epithelial layers that mimic in vivo conditions while allowing for controlled in vitro studies.

The results are expected to provide further insight into the impact of NX-13 on gene expression and regulation, and cytokine responses. Landos expects to present results from this research collaboration at appropriate medical conferences in 2024. Bram Verstockt, M.D., Ph.D., an assistant professor and IBD specialist at KU Leuven, will lead the research collaboration together with professor Séverine Vermeire, M.D., Ph.D., aiming to elucidate the direct effects of NX-13 in epithelial cells by using UC patient-derived organoid models.

These organoid models are ex-vivo 3D cell cultures containing formed mucosal and epithelial layers that mimic in vivo conditions while allowing for controlled in vitro studies. The results are expected to provide further insight into the impact of NX-13 on gene expression and regulation, and cytokine responses. Landos expects to present results from this research collaboration at appropriate medical conferences in 2024.