LifeBrandz Ltd. announced Ms. Ang Puak Huen ("Ms. Ang") tendered her resignation on 15 December 2023 as Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer to pursue other career opportunities. Considering the start date of her new employment and the availability of the new Executive Director who is the successor of her role to be appointed shortly on 15 January 2024, the Company and Ms. Ang have mutually agreed for her last day of employment to be 31 December 2023. During this interim period, Ms. Ang will hand over her duties and responsibilities to Mr. Law Chun Sian, the newly appointed Executive Director & Senior Commercial Manager.

A detailed announcement pursuant to Rule 704(6) of the Catalist Rules containing the particulars of Mr. Law Chun Sian has been released separately via the SGXNet on 22 December 2023. In view of her resignation, Ms. Ang has refrained from participating in any corporate decisions.