Liquid Meta Capital Holdings Ltd. announced a partnership with Civic Technologies, Inc. Together, the companies will bring trusted, secure permissioned identity services to DeFi and enable Liquid Meta to provide capital liquidity to permissioned dApps. This will promote the overall adoption of DeFi. The partnership is timely, given interest in DeFi from institutional investors.

At its core, DeFi relies on permissionless access, but this principle often runs counter to the obligations of large capital investors that must know the counter-parties they are participating with in order to reduce counter-party risk. Permissioned access through the partnership will provide a gateway into DeFi for these investors. Liquid Meta is already providing liquidity to some of the most exciting Decentralized Applications and Exchanges in DeFi.

As the first publicly traded, pure-play liquidity mining operation in the world, Liquid Meta is building proprietary software and tools to access, automate and unlock tremendous growth within DeFi. The Company is focused on generating cash flow in the fast-growing DeFi segment of the blockchain industry.