Adnimation Ltd. and Loop Media, Inc. announced a new partnership. The partnership has already yielded incremental revenue for both companies since it began. seeking to boost its ad revenue, Loop Media partnered with Adnimation, whose CTV Fusion tool uses a combination of advanced technology, hands-on expertise, and unique access to Google's CTV video advertising demand to increase ad revenue for publishers.

This partnership allows Loop Media to enjoy Google's premium demand while still looking to maintain its existing demand to maximize competition and increase fill rates and CPMs across the Loop®? CTV network. Adnimation offers a growing suite of monetization tools across CTV apps, websites and mobile apps.

Their unique monetization technology and hands-on expertise make it easy for publishers to increase their ad revenue. The CTV Fusion tool for Loop's CTV inventory uses Google's PAL (Programmatic Access Library) SDK (Software Development Kit) that enables CTV apps to access and share audience targeting signals with Google Ad Manager. These signals encompass valuable data points that seek to empower advertisers to reach highly relevant audiences, boosting campaign performance and maximizing ROI.