Lord Global Corporation announced that KeyOptions, having secured the rights to bring the Virolens® testing units to Australia, Latin America, South East Asia, Turkey and a number of other territories in conjunction with other partners. The Virolens®? system is a COVID-19 screening device based on microscopic holographic imaging and artificial intelligence (AI) software technology. It uses a digital camera attached to a microscope to analyze saliva samples, with the data run through a computer which is trained to identify the virus from other cells, delivering an end result in just 20 seconds. The Virolens®? system was trained to recognize the COVID-19 virus particles in saliva using a range of samples of COVID-19 virus provided by virologists working on the virus at the University of Bristol. The Virolens®? system has a 99.8% sensitivity and 96.7% specificity, based on the results of an internal in-vitro validation study, demonstrating an exciting proof of concept. A user simply opens the cartridge lid, swabs their tongue, closes the cartridge and inserts it into the machine. Within seconds the presence or absence of Covid-19 is revealed via a red or green light, depending on the result. KeyOptions and their partners believe that there will be a need for a worldwide network built utilizing these machines and to be rolled out as soon as possible. This quick, low cost, easy and repeatable COVID-19 test, will allow hundreds of tests per screening device each day, so, during the current pandemic, the company believes that this screening device will play a pivotal role in getting the world moving again, with broad end-uses such as in sporting arenas, offices, events, airlines and airports, where a large throughput and quick result is required. It allows people to get on with their everyday life in the knowledge they are in a safe environment. KeyOptions has the master distribution rights to the following regions: Latin and South America, Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand and other Oceania countries. 27Health Inc. and KeyOptions believe that the markets in these countries will be in the billions of dollars. The Companies will be targeting country governments, airports, cruise lines, airlines, universities and all forms of tourist industries. In the long run these machines can be repurposed as a mobile diagnostic laboratory that has the potential to rival the present blood testing industry. Currently, the Virolens® system is only trained to look and recognise COVID-19 but will be extended to other diseases, including the common cold and influenza.