MapsPeople announced an expansion of its mapping capabilities with the introduction of 3D maps to the MapsIndoors product. This new 3D mapping capability is now available for web and Android users, with a rollout to iOS slated for May 2023. MapsIndoors' 3D maps utilize real 3D models and vector graphics, providing a high-performing piece of design for both small- and large-scale enterprises.

With MapsIndoors' advanced technology, detailed and customized 3D indoor maps are now available at scale. According to a text-decoration:underlinecomprehensive study by McKinsey, companies that prioritized user-centric design options outperformed the industry-benchmark growth rate. The optimized 3D maps allow end users to greatly improve their experience and maximize ROI.

Providing realistic depth into the map, this new design includes an improved understanding of sizes, heights and distances, all with the goal of being easy to navigate for enterprises.